
Showing posts from December, 2022
 Your Privacy and data safety is at highest priority for us! Welcome to the services of ActionHut a Gaming Lab. We at ActionHut a Gaming Lab are strict to protect the privacy rights of our users. This Document defines the way we or our partners collect, utilize, manage and store user data including personal information. This data can be provided by the user in many ways like our mobile games on either Google Play Store, Amazon or iOS App Store. The scope of this Policy is limited to Information received or collected by ActionHut a Gaming Lab via any related Service of ActionHut a Gaming Lab, you used. NOTE: Use of the service shows that you are agreeing to this Privacy Policy, if you do not agree with the Policy please do not use the Service. Below is how we (may) collect and use your data (if we have to). Game Data Collection: We at ActionHut a Gaming Lab does not intentionally store or collect any personal user data but our distribution or ad partners may collect (Depending on the re